Saturday, October 11, 2008



Bachna ye Hasseno,lived up to its expectation,of the great prelaunch hype it got.Even tough it was nothing too great,but overall a good entertainer.
talking of the movie,is basically talking of Ranbir Kapoor,as the movie,seems to have been created to catapult him,to the heights of success

Revolving,around a youngster,played by Ranbir,and his three affairs.One at the age of 18,when he tries to patao a girl,played by Manisha Lamba,for a night stand and she genuinely falls in love,second when he has a long live in affair,with his neighbour,played by Bipasha,but here too,he is not serious,and ditches her on the wedding day.Lastly he genuinely falls in love with a lady taxi driver,played by Padokone(Ranbeer's real life girl freind)but she refuses his proposal as she was not ready to get married,and wanted to live her life,her way.

Crestfallen,he realizes that he has been payed back,for breaking two hearts,and hence goes ahead to undo his wrongs.Manisha is married,with two kids,but the spark is missing in her life,as she has not overcome the shock of her first broken dream.Ranbeer clears all misunderstandings between her and her husband,played by Kunal Kapoor,and brings back happiness in their lives.he then traces bipasha,who is a great model,but a man hater.He takes the job of her assistant and faces all insults hurled by her,as his punishment,and decreases her pain,making up for the wrong that he had done.And as predicted,he is blessed by cupid,and gets his lady love,Padukone,back in his life,and settles with her,happily for eternity!

The story is simple,with reflections of several movies on love stories of the pats,specially DDLJ.The direction,dialogues and cinematography along with choreography are good complimented by great locales.Music is melodious and some songs,specially Ahista Ahista and Khuda Jane have become super hits.Besides DDLJ,the movie has scenes from movies of Rishi Kapoor,like Bobby,Dapliwala and Khel Khel Mein.The title song of the movie,too has been taken,from Dabbus old movie,Ham Kisi Se Kam Nahin.Bipasha has looked sizzling,as always,and has dazzled her assets well,specially in the item number Lucky Boy.The other two ladies have acted well too.

Ranbeer has acted well for a beginer,but has real tough competion,not only from the stablished stars but also from the other beginers like Imran Khan.In the title song,he has succesfully imitated not only Shammi,Randhir and Rishi but also,Sharukh,salman,Rhitik and Akshay and danced well.He voice resembles his dads,and even of randhir,and he could do with some more finesse classes to attain some more polish and even with some diction coaching.He has a long way to go and has to work very hard to take back the RK Banner on the male shoulders,which ofr the last 15 years has been held high by,Karishma and Kareena

Dr Sanjay Kapoor Delhi


A GOOD THRILLER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kidnap turned out to be a great thriller!

As the title is self explanatory,the movie revolves,around a kidnap,which is unconventional,and has unexpected turns and twists
The story begins,with a 18 year old girl,played by Minisha Lamba,who looks older than that,is kidnapped by a juvenile convict just out of jail,played by Imran Khan.He kidnaps,the girl,who lives with her separated mother,The motive of the crime,is to take revenge,from Sanjay Dutt,the girls father who is a rich businessman.As the story unveils,we are told,that this boy,when small.had taken,this mans car, without his permission,with this girl,to take his injured orphan mate,to the hospital,to prevent an amputation.Even when he returns it,and tries to explain and say sorry,the man refuses to listen and with the power of his money,has the boy behind bars for seven years.

What follows is an interesting chase,where he leaves clues,to be followed,in tracing the girl.Sanjay Dutt is made to say sorry to a nun,steal,help a victim escape from a jail and finally commit a virtual murder.All these were very meticulously planned to crash his ego,and bring him down on his knees,pleading for forgiveness,and to realize that all his,ego,power and wealth were useless,to save his daughter.The movie ends on a pleasant note,with the girl back to her parents,who are together again,and above all the hero and heroine parting on a friendly note,leaving the audience guessing.

This simple plot has been presented beautifully in the movie in a very entertaining manner,creating a good thriller.The emotional aspects have been thrown in nicely too,like the pain of an innocent child being exploited and tortured in jail,seperataions in rich families,despair of a child of divorced parents,coming together of estranged spouses in crises,the values of friendship,the uselessness of materialistic powers,the helplessness of genuine people at times,to do wrong things for a good cause and the virtue of humility and forgiveness.There is a slight innuendo to the Stockholm Syndrome,where the girl gets compassionate towards the man who holds her captive,and decides to help him,when he is injured,and miss a chance of escaping.But the punchline is,that a poor child can risk his life to save his friend,who in turn repays,by successfully helping his friend to get out of the jail,and in turn gets caught,but the rich man has no friend to help him in his life time crisis

The movie succeeds in maintaining a good pace, keeping the viewer guessing and in providing good entertainment.Songs,choreography,music and photography are good.Sanajy Dutt,in spite of his aging has looked smart,and Minisha and her mom have done justice to the roles.Imran Khan is the ultimate winner,who has not only looked hot as the angry young man but has delivered the goods superbly,and acted well for a beginner.He was well suited to the role,and has done justice,but can still do with some classes for diction and dialogue delivery.Has Sabrina Merchant stopped training these youngsters these days?

Imraan has been lucky with two good movies,in quick succession,and in the present competition with the other new facein Bollywood,in Ranbeer Kapoor,stands a clear winner with a score of TWO-Luv,in his favour! Bachna aye Haseeno( and Ranbeer), Imraan aa gaya!!




The Last Lear,definitely deserved a better deal.Even after hearing and reading such poor reviews,about the film,I went ahead to watch it,and good that I used my intuitions to guide me,or I would have missed a masterpiece.Like Paheli,Shabd and many other movies,this movie to,is being judged,superficially,without understanding the depth of the reality of life contained in it.Like the Pandora's Box,the story has a three layered story!

The first layer is the movie on its face,as it is presented,based in the time scale of a night,narrates the making of a movie,through flash backs.The story revolves around the film industry or rather more appropriately the entertainment world,giving a detailed insight into the lives of people involved in circus,theatre and cinema.placed in the current times.The plot is based around Amitabh,a retired actor of Shakespearean plays whose passion for Shakespeare,his plays and theater is more than that for his life.The story highlights the dying culture of circus,the decreasing love for stage and the increasing craze for cinema.Arjun Ramphal plays a Bengali director,keen to make a movie on arts and artists,who convinces Amitabh with great difficulty , to play the role of a joker who being rendered jobless,after the closing down of circus,commits suicide.Based on Utpal Datts novel,Aaj Ker Shahjahan,the movie is a splendid blend of the arts,where a hardcore stage artist.plays the role of a circus joker in a commercial film.The Directors brother tries to compile a book on actors,through his interaction with Amitabh,while shooting of the film.

The movie(in the movie)takes an unexpected turn in the end,when Amitabh refuses to have a duplicate substitute him,in the climax scene,when the joker jumps off a hill to kill himself.With the guidance from the duplicate and the help of foliage,Amitabh gives a good take successfully,but Arjun Ramphal,as the director,aspiring for the perfect last shot,is not happy,with the trees coming to the rescue of Amitabh,orders a retake,with the hill cleared of foliage,without informing Amitabh.Amitabh again gives the retake,with perfection,but in reality sustains potentially lethal injuries.

Ritoparno Ghosh's direction is par excellence,and the ambiance of Kolkatta and the Bengali film industry created,is realistically marvelous.Preity Zinta plays a leading Bengali star,and co star of Bachan in the movie.who is in the movie,to highlight the problems of a female actor in the film industry,With a semblance to Khoya Khoya Chand,this movie also focuses on the love affairs,exploitation,poor reputation ,disturbed married life and stress of actresses and even of other working women,specially with long and late or night working hours.The photography,cinematography,lighting,editing and the overall realistic impact is of the highest international standards.The story is touching,plot strong and dialogues ,mostly in English are highly impressive and meaningful,made more powerful with the most appropriate amalgamation with extracts from Shakespeare.The songs and music ,specially in the back ground give the movie,great authenticity.

Amitabh Bachan has actually given a life time performance,and probably his best.He has looked convincingly passionate and madly obsessed with stage,theatre and Shakespeare.He has not only established his histrionic capabilities once again beyond doubt but has also proved again that he is probably the best actor we ever had in Indian cinema.Arjun Ramphal has given a great performance as the obsessed Bengali director which may be one of his best.Preety Zinta has done justice to her role,but could have done better and she was definitely not the best choice for the role.Shefali Shah and Divya Datta have acted well,and so have the other characters in small roles.

In the second stage,the movie has brilliantly contrasted the theatre and movies.The theatres,are generally no frill,any budget production,with great professionalism and where the actor and the writer are of paramount importance,The sanctity of the script is respected to the minutest detail and much of the success of the play depends depends upon the performance of the actor,for that very show.there are no cuts,retakes or camouflaging with photography,dubbing and editing as in cinema.the movies in contrast are the display of money and technology,where the acting capabilities are secondary.There is a great scope of manipulation and falsification in cinema,where the director is generally the showman,and actors puppets in his or her hands.Stage represents the simple life of yesteryears,and the cinema,the upwardly mobile,technical savvy,complicated present day life!

The story goes further to other deep philosophy of life,and revolving around,Shakespeare,has very aptly depicted the world as a stage,in Shakespears words,and we,actors in the play of life.We play different roles in our lives,at various ages and stages,and often more than one simultaneously ! In playing these roles,we often hide or even loose our real selves,and what is known or seen or heard of us,is not all or not our real self.We ourselves often do not know ourselves well !! We use make up on ourselves to mask the true feelings and emotions.Every role in life that we play,has its importance and has to be balanced well for a good survival,and there is always a scope of improvement and hence we have to go on struggling and working hard to improve,in whatever we are doing,There is no place for stagnation and one always has to be on the alert to put the best foot forward as there is no retake in life !Present day life is full of treachery,hypocrisy,competition and a struggle for survival,and to outshine the other,where each one is in a hurry to reach the top,at any expense,even at the risk of hurting and even the career or at times the life of others,for personal success!Under the name of success and the upwardly mobile life,we are often lonely,insecure,dis trusting and crave for the simple tension free lives!

The insistence of Amitabh,to perform the climax scene himself,is the crux of the story,each one to his or her battle of life,we have to fight it alone,and no one,no matter how close or sincere,can do that for us.We have to live our lives,ourselves,as it is destined and as we have carved it to be!!

Last Lear is a masterpiece and a must see for all cine-lovers

Dr Sanjay Kapoor Lucknow


why ? Why ?? WHY ???

Wonder why they do this to us and even to themselves!
This is what crossed my mind repeatedly,while watching DRONA
And what surprised me more ,was that all this,from big banners,big names ,huge budgets and super stars!
After the fiasco of 1950 Priyanka could have done with something better,and wonder why Amitabh lets this happen to Abhishek,who needs to do well,even to sustain,leave alone for rising and shining.

Drona has an outdated,non exciting story,where a man called Drona,posses super powers handed down through generations,and fights to destroy the Asur,the Evil Man on earth.Leave alone the Superman and the Batman series,the movie has failed even to reach anywhere near Kris,on which Drona was supposed to be Abhisheks take.The plot is unconvincing,story weak,technology ineffective and stunts unimpressive.Background music is tolerable though there is nothing to write home about the songs.To top it all,it is un believably slow,but I still sat through till the end,to test my patience.

Abhishek has looked lost in the movie,as if asking himself all the time,what and why am I doing this?His looks,dialogue delivery,expressions,and fights,all were below standard.His expressions realistically expressed how unconvinced he,himself was at his role and the movie.KK seemed to have done justice to the role of the Evil Asur.Jaya Bachhan ,who is my favourite,has surprisingly ,looked melodramatic,over dressed and wooden faced as Drona:s mother.Priyanka Chopra has looked smart and even hot,in the title song,even though she had an insignificant role

Over all the movie has failed even to match up with the ones like,Sindabad the sailor,and is a total disaster,but I still recommend that all should watch it,to learn,what not to see ever

Sanjay Kapoor Lucknow



WELCOME TO SAJJANPUR,is a truly,Shyam Banegal movie,simple,truthful,and realistic!

The movie revolves round a letter writer in a village of north India,and the complete story,is built around the letters,people ask him to write.The story is simple,but strikingly true and the depiction of the lives of villages,and the social evils have been presented,effortlessly but with an impact.Shyam Benegal has touched every sensitive issue,and the social evils existing in our society very well.Poverty,illiteracy,discrimination towards female child,superstitions,atrocities of so called upper classes of society,exploitation and sexual abuse of the lower class have been very beautifully addressed in the plot of the movie.Other existing evils,that have been stressed more,are superstitions,child marriage,ill treatment of widows,non tolerance to widow marriage,unacceptable non identity existence of hijras,fraudulent elections,political violence,migration of villagers to metros for earning money,due to lack of jobs and even facilities for agriculture,and finally the helplessness of the poor,to be driven to the extent of selling kidney,for money,to survive.

Shyas Talpade,has given a great performance as Mahadev,the letter writer,who is in love,with his childhood classmate,played by Amrita Rao,now married,to a poor farmer,played by Kunal Kapoor.who has migrated to Mumbai,since four years and survives on selling blood,and is ultimately driven to sell his kidney,to buy a kholi,to get his family to Mumbai.Mahadev helps him with money,procured by mortgaging his land,and prevents him from selling his kidney.Ila Arun has done great justice in the comic role of a superstitious village lady,who wants to marry her educated employed daughter to a black dog,born on Saturday,to ward off the impact of inauspicious stars,so that she can make the daughter leave her career and get married soon.Mahadev not only stops this ridiculous ritual but volunteers to marry her,and has a happy married life,and progresses become a writer,where in he composes a novel,based on all these incidents.The victory of the village hijra,as the Pramukh of the Gram panchayat,is a very welcome indicator for the need to give the trans sexuals an identity,but her subsequent murder by the competing thakur family,and the double murder by the villagers of a cumpounder and his wife,who is a widow from the same village,are scaring.

The ethenic music is pleasant,screenplay is simple,but the dialogues touch the heart.Though the movie lacks the usual masala of locales,sex, and item numbers ,it never gets boring.All actors have done justice to their roles,and the direction ,as expected is superb.Shyam Benegal has succeeded in making a superb movie with a social cause,which is must see for all Indians,to fight the social evils,existing in our lives

Dr Sanjay Kapoor Lucknow